Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

     Today in class, I came in and saw that we had a lesson on editing. It was a very important lesson. I got ready to take notes because my teachers were only gonna show us this one time. I learned about how to check out a camera and how to use it. I learned how to dump which is taking footage from the camera and moving it to the computer. You do this by getting your SD card reader and moving the footage into a folder. After this we learned how to import which is getting all your takes and importing it into pinnacle studio. To do this you go onto pinnacle studio and click on the import button. Then you click on desktop and look for the folder you have all your takes in. You check off what you wanna import and then you go to edit.
     My teacher said that it’s better to check off everything. The footage that is unedited is called raw footage. I learned what goes in each track. In AV Track 1 you put the title. In AV Track 2 you put your footage. In AV Track 3 you put your sound or music. Then I learned how to cut footage. Doing the transitions and title was the easiest. To delete audio you have to click on the audio. Then you detach it and put it in Track 3 and delete it.
     To export your finished project you first click on the export button. Then you click on the settings and choose the one that you would like. You then start to export it by saving it to desktop MP4. Before clicking off of pinnacle studio first minimize it. Then click on the folder you created and check if you saved your project. Exporting is only if you finished your project. If your still working on a project and want to save it you just click on the file. Then click save and it to you folder. After we wrote down everything in our notes we packed up. The bell rang and I left to go to my next class.

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