Thursday, February 27, 2020

Filming Blog: The Beginning

     For the first scene we were going to film we had to go to the park. Bianca, Pixie, and Sam were already at the park. When I got there we went to the spot where there were benches. I checked if the camera was charged and if we had the SD card. Then I started to setup the camera and tripod. I asked Bianca to check if I setup the camera and tripod correctly. I waited for Bianca and Sam because they were practicing their lines. When they were ready I started to film. I took three shots, so that we had a few to choose from. When we finished this scene we packed up all the stuff and walked to Bianca's house. 
     We got to her house, I changed into a different outfit. The first scene we shot was me walking out of the bathroom and checking my phone. I had to do the scene a few times because we had to get the phone to ring at a certain time. Then I had to walk down the hall and open the door for Pixie. We had to shoot a few times. Since I didn't know Pixie it was weird at first, but then we got comfortable. After this scene we went outside to film the scenes by the pool. For one of the scenes I had to fake laugh. It took me a few times because it was weird, but then I got it. We went back inside when we finished the pool scenes. We didn't film anymore scenes because I had to go home.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming Blog: Pre-Production

     We needed many things for filming. One of the first things we needed was the pizza box. I didn't know where we could get an empty pizza box. Then I remembered Bianca worked at Pizza Hut, so she could get a pizza box. She told me that she could get a box and was going to use her uniform as the costume. We also needed the letter for the movie. I told Bianca to make the letter. I helped with writing what the letter was going to say. I helped her choose the photos she was going to put in the envelope. She made a fake article to include in the envelope.
     I had to make sure I charged the camera. For the photos that went inside the envelope I had to be in it. The photos had to be of my fake girlfriend and I. When I got to the park we first took one on the bench. We tried different poses and choose the one we liked. Then we went to the playground to take a few there. I had to stand on a pole with Sam, fake girlfriend, next to me. Then we went on the slide to take a few there. We did one where Sam pretended to push me down the slide. Then we had to take pictures of Sam and Bianca together. We took one of them sitting on a stair step.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming Blog: The Lover

     For the stalker film, we needed a partner for me to be my boyfriend. At first Bianca asked her friend, Bobby, to be my boyfriend for the movie. He said he would do it because we really only needed him to take pictures with and to film a fight scene. Then one day we asked we asked him if he was free after school to take pictures with me and to film the fight scene. He said he wasn't free, so we asked when he was and he said he was busy most days. I was thinking that maybe we should ask someone else to play my boyfriend because Bobby was obviously busy. Bianca asked some of her other friends if they could do it. She didn't get a reply till a few days later and not all of them answered. None of the guys were available, so Bianca said that maybe we are going to ask a girl to play my girlfriend instead. I didn't mind, so Bianca went ahead and asked some of her friends if they could do it.
     The day that we had to film Bianca was going to tell me when to go to the park to take the pictures and film the fight scene. I still didn't know who my girlfriend was going to be for the movie. I started to get ready and did my makeup. I packed a bag with extra clothes, so I didn't have the same shirt on. Bianca texted me and told me to head over to the park. I asked Bianca who my girlfriend was going to be and she told me her friend Sam. When I got to the park the first thing we did was take pictures of Sam and I. Bianca and Sam took pictures before I got there because Sam was also playing Bianca's ex-girlfriend in the movie. Once Sam and I took the pictures we went to another side of the park and filmed the fighting scene. I was the one filming because Bianca and Sam were the actors for this scene. I had to film several times to get the shot right.


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Planning Blog: Storyboard

     It took us a few days to figure out what we were going to draw. Even though we had three scripts, we still struggled. We both went back and forth trying to figure out what to draw and write. Camila believed that we should draw it before we write it and Bianca believed that we should write it first. We both agreed to just take a few papers each and do it our own way. Camila did the last four scenes while Bianca did the first four. We had to stay up even later than we were hoping the night before this was due because we wanted to make sure we had the time to check out a camera. We still couldn't even finish and spend over an hour in class uploading the pictures to google slides and putting it into the blog. The entire process was very stressful for both of us. We would do it again, though, for any other project we would do in the future, although we agreed that we wouldn't do this when we start our filming career's.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Planning Blog: Title Design

     This is the title design power-point for our project. We first discussed the title fonts, which took us forever because we wanted different fonts. There were three different fonts that we finally agreed upon. We then discussed the title contrasts and how they would vary depending on what was being said. We chose the color, backdrop, size, and spacing for our titles. We had a lot of title ideas, but finally landed on one. It took us a while because we both had very different ideas on how the title should look like and include. Most of the title ideas were related to money or a pizza girl because we decided those were the most important aspects of the movie. The title that we chose was Butterbean because it stands out from all the other titles, it being the main characters name and she being the reason the stalking started. Lastly, we discussed our title movements, which didn't take us that long because we had a pretty good idea about what we wanted our titles to look like as they moved within the scenes.

Planning Blog: Checklist

     This is the checklist for our planning phase. We started with the location because knowing where you're going to film is the most basic, yet most important part of planning. Then we focused on sound because we needed to know what sounds we will need to import or overlap in the editing phase. After that, we decided to get down the participants so we know the jobs of everyone so we won't get confused later on. We mentioned health and safety because we felt it was important to at least have down. Even though it's common sense to have a first aid kit and emergency numbers ready, it doesn't hurt to type it in. After heath, we wrote three slides about our schedule. This was because we wanted to write in everything we did up to this point and everything we're going to do. Since we're still going to be working on this project for at least another month, we want make sure we have a good idea about what we're doing when we start filming. This power-point is basically the skeleton of our project. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Planning Blog: Shooting Script

  This is the script that will allow the directors, Camila and I took look at when we need help with our scenes. Even though we will have our storyboard, this many help us as well. It was hard to make because we had to type what we had written and we ended up blending scenes together. This caused a lot of confusion between both of us and we both got frustrated. Going through every slide for each scene will make it easy on us when we have to draw out our storyboard since it's word for word on paper. At first, I was working on it myself, but I asked Camila to help halfway through because I was confusing myself. She helped me understand what was going on and get back on track. I was originally going to make the slides with the basic black and white background, but I remembered what we did for the sound script and I wanted them to match up. It took extra time to work with because the font was automatically set to dark gray, so after every slide, we had to change the colour to white. This just made us annoyed with the power-point. 

Planning Blog: Sound Script

This is the sound script for our movie. The script is split up into scenes. The dialogue for all the characters are included. All the sound that would be heard throughout the movies are included as well. Only two of our scenes have no dialogue. The rest of the scenes involve dialogue and sound. The characters start speaking in the middle of scene two. Music starts playing in the first scene and later fades out in the beginning of the second scene. The music fades back in scene three and fades out in scene four. There is no music until the beginning of scene twelve, then the music stops at the end of scene sixteen.