Monday, January 20, 2020

Starting the Final Task

     I came into Media Studies half way through the first quarter. I was lost when I first came into class. After the first week of being in the class I began to understand the material. I didn't have any friends in the class. Eventually I made some. The first friend I made, Bianca, also came in the same day as me. I really enjoy the class because it is one of my easiest one's. I have been doing good so far in the class. Bianca is my partner for the final project and I am happy to be working with her again. She is a great partner and is great with filming and production.
     I've learned so many things from the class. I've learned how to use a camera properly. Storyboarding was the hardest for me to learn. First of all, I didn't know how to space out the film. I also didn't know how to put what I was thinking on paper. Filming was the easiest for me to learn because I like being behind the camera. If I ever get into filming it will be very useful to know all of this. I'm excited to use
     Pitch "Hollywood term to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less, usually with one sentence". Our first pitch isa story about a girl who stole another girls boyfriend. What she didn't know was that this now single lady holds grudges like no other. Now she will come back to ruin her life. Our second pitch is about Lucy the homeschooled c-average girl as normal as could be never expected to be so extraordinary. She will have to battle her magical future while stepping back into her cursed past. Our third pitch is about a girl who starts college in a new state to get a fresh start. She soon falls for the "bad boy" and struggles to balance school and work. She realizes that this could be her worst mistake yet. Will she drop her bright future for the "bad boy"?

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