Monday, January 20, 2020

Never Give the Pizza Girl the Address to Your Past

     We are starting with our three pitch ideas. Our first pitch is a stalker film, our second pitch is a magical fantasy, and our third pitch is a dramatic love story. To figure out what film we don't have the most passion for we have to break down our three films. We have to put each film in realistic terms that allows us to have a flexible schedule and work with what we have. Our first idea can be filmed completely in one location which eliminates travel problems from the equation. Our next idea has a lot to do with magic which will need intense editing. Our last idea deals with two college students in realistic time. Taking into account everything that we would have to do for each project we are deciding to eliminate our second idea about the girl in a magical fantasy. Now that we have removed our second idea we can now dig deeper into the other ones.
     To begin, our first pitch the stalker film can be shot in one location. This helps with transportation issues. The film won't require many actors to act in it which eliminates the issue of obtaining people. Although the film can be shot in one place it will require lots of editing. The editing may not be that big of an issue because we are giving so much time to do it. We won't haver an issue with costumes because we will already have everything needed. With very little problems with transportation, actors, props, and location the film will be a good choice to produce.
     For our second pitch we will have a dramatic love story. The film would need to be shot in several different locations. We would have to find a quiet cafe, an empty hallway, a crowded house for a party, and a lecture hall. Because of the fact that we are in high school we don't have easy access to a lecture hall or house party. Although we could work around that its would deter the film from being the best it could be. Since there will be many locations to shoot from it will also require a lot of editing. Unlike our first pitch we will need to find many people to play roles in this film. Unlike professionals we don't have the time, reliability, money, nor resources to get an abundance of actors. The props that we need for the film we already own because we are students.
     Comparing the pros and cons between each pitch. We are deciding to shoot the stalker film. Our reasoning is based off of the fact that the stalker films pros out weighs the romance films pros. We also feel that the stalker film will have more attention and will be more fun to produce. To end, we feel the production of the stalker film will enhance our directing abilities and prepare us for the possibility of working in the film industry.

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